Story of professor De Simone
Professor De Simone
Studying intestinal health
In the 1990s, Professor De Simone at the University of
L’Aquila medical School in Italy studied the fecundity of
many people with intestinal health, and as a result, he found
a common characteristic that the number of harmful bacteria
is relatively higher than that of beneficial bacterial in the intestinal
bacterial composition. -
The power of 450 billion
Professor De Simone studied how many Beneficial bacteria should be
consumed for them to reach the intestine. This led to the production of
more than 450 billion bacteria per pouch and proved that steady
ingestion of the raw materials developed by the professor could
increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine
by hundreds of times. -
Worldwide recognition
Professor De Simone used the characteristics of the symbiotic,
mutually beneficial microorganism to change the cellular ecosystem
in our body to develop the world patented Lactic acid bacteria
formulation called De Simone Formula. This formula earned
a world patent and still takes care of the intestinal health
of people worldwide.